Robert James's listening history

Robert James's avatar
The unsuccessful RPM Challenge in 2009 had two songs that weren't disgustingly bad. I uploaded a version of one the other day. This is the other. Nothing really noteworthy here. I had a new harmony on the first chorus that I during the mix…
Robert James's avatar
It's getting silly now. I haven't finished Quarantine Tunes Volume 5 (actually, volume 50/90) and here I am uploading the first song for Volume 6. What a moron! I am scraping the bottom of the barrel as far as the quality of songs to be re…
Robert James's avatar
The Quarantine Tunes thing is definitely scraping the bottom of the barrel. I am supposed to be pulling songs from old recording projects and updating and (theoretically) improving them. After five rounds there isn't a whole lot left to use…
Robert James's avatar
Meh. Originally written for the 2010 RPM Challenged and finished about a year and a half later. It was called Dogfight and the lyrics were about... Top Gun, or Hot Shots, or some air combat shit. I can remember sitting at my desk in the cellar…
Robert James's avatar
Meh. Originally written for the 2010 RPM Challenged and finished about a year and a half later. It was called Dogfight and the lyrics were about... Top Gun, or Hot Shots, or some air combat shit. I can remember sitting at my desk in the cellar…
Robert James's avatar
The final RPM Challenge, Record Every Month Challenge thing is done. March through January, with the actual RPM happening in February. Success, even though I forgot to actually submit a bunch of them. For the second time I seem to have written…
Robert James's avatar
Another song from this year's 50/90 given a second look. I don't know what to think about it. I haven't played it back to back with the first version, but except for preferring this one's slightly faster tempo I am not sure if it is better or…
Robert James's avatar
My fear for this song is that it's more fun to play than it is to listen to. I'm not sure about this mix. I feel like I am getting way too cute here. I also wonder if what I really like about this song is the verse and everything else doesn…
Robert James's avatar
My gut is telling me that when I listen to this version of this song back to back with the one I did this summer I am going to prefer this one. That's kind of the goal for these re-recording projects I'm forcing on myself. Just make things a…
Robert James's avatar
Another song for Quarantine Tunes Volume 50/90. I finished off the 2021 50/90 with a lot of crappy songs and a handful that I thought were worthy of a closer look. This one is fun. Nothing like bashing your head against some nice heavy rock…