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I had a thought about recording an EP entirely on my iPad and having that be my Record Every Month project for April. I ended up with four songs, but I am only going to be finishing two on time. I guess that counts as my record a single every month sub challenge. I guess.

This song is the B side, clearly because it’s crap. Everything was recorded direct input into GarageBand on my iPad. No speakers were involved apart from headphones. Modern technology, babie.

The rhythm guitars are my Gibson SG Standard into an Ibanez Tube Screamer Mini into a Vox MV50. The leads are the same except I used a Wampler Tumnus instead of the Tube Screamer.

Verse 1A

It’s who you know
On the go
It’s always so
down below

It’s give and take
On the make
you lie awake
goodness sake

Verse 1B

It’s much to late
Play it straight
There’s no debate
You relate

A fire sale
going stale
it’s drawn to scale
never fail

Chorus A

It’s gone away again
All on display pretend

Chorus B

No other way to go
No other way to be
