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Deja Vu (Coffee Shoppe Mix)

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This is the moment when my good time with the saxophone came to an end. It’s just a simple 12-bar blues but I had this groovy idea for some pseudo ensemble playing at the beginning of the song and my sax skills were not up to the challenge. It was an easy enough thing but I kept making a mess of it. I can still improvise over a blues scale if I am in a decent key, but anything more than that… anything that requires even the slightest tonal precision… nope. It’s not happening.

Strangely enough though, I don’t hate the lyrics. They are okay by my exceptionally low standards.

another time another place
another life another face

another time another place
another life another face

could you believe it
could you conceive it

could you accept its come to pass
its come to pass

Verse 1
I’ve seen this before
I’ve lived this before
Now live it once again

Verse 2
We’ve been here before
We’ll be here once more
One tired old refrain
