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Mid Terms

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Technically this counts as an RPM2018 leftover, but only barely. It started life as one of three riffs that I recorded using the Music Memos app on my iPhone. When March 1st arrived that was all there was. Maybe two measures. But I figured that was enough and I wrote out the rest of it and now it’s done.

One of the things I wanted to do in February was use the new Electro Harmonix Op Amp Big Muff Pi reissue. For those who don’t know, that’s a copy of a fuzz pedal that was used to tremendous effect on the second Smashing Pumpkins record. I wanted to have one song (at least) that layered tons and tons of fuzzy op ampy goodness so I ordered the pedal near the end of January. It went on back order and wasn’t delivered until February 28th. Damn it!

I decided that this would be the op ampy goodness song and I used the shit out of it. The rhythm guitars were ES-335 recorded in stereo with one side being the direct out of a Fender Bassbreaker and the other the direct out of a Vox MV50. I then recorded the rhythm guitars four times. That’s four stereo tracks for a total of eight separate tracks of the same magical Big Muffy happiness. Of course it sounded like utter garbage so when it came time to mix I deleted two of the stereo tracks, and buried a second one so that you can only just barely hear it if you know what to listen for. Oh well… it is a left over after all. For the record, the lead guitar is a Les Paul through the Vox amp using a different Big Muff pedal. This one used a Way Huge Russian Pickle, and it’s the first time I ever recorded with that pedal. So there are Big Muff firsts all over this little “gem.”

How long
How long till we’re free
How long
How much longer can it be

Just a few months more
till the first wall falls
take him down a peg
just a few months more
till we make him see
he’s cracking like an egg

Just a little while
till our voice is heard
won’t ignore us then
Just a little while
till we break them down
take it back again

Just an off year
we can’t have it all
just a mid term
but it isn’t small
chip away now
take back what we can
send a message
stick to the plan
