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No Lights Tonight

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50/90 is over. What do I do now? The plan was to do the same thing I did after RPM and FAWM ended… just start another album in a month project.

Well I started it, but it’s going really slow. There are only five songs in the works, and this is the only one finished. I had thought to make an all blues album, but that idea is running out of steam.

I dusted off the saxophone for this one. I’m only good for about 20 minutes of playing before my jaw feels like it’s going to fall off. If I practiced every day that wouldn’t be a problem (pause while I laugh my ass off at the idea of practicing every day)

The lyrics refer to the lunar eclipse the USA experienced last week. Well… New England didn’t experience it because it was cloudy and raining all night. I think mother nature hates my guts.

The guitars are all Stratocaster

what in the world is going on here
Nothing to say nothing to do
watch as the sky disappears
none of the light makes it through

The moon turned red tonight
But I couldn’t see it
The clouds obscured the sight
hidden from me

I looked outside to night
but all was dark
I knew the time was right
but I missed the mark

MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Awesome !!!! Cool guitarwork, love the vocals

Nightmoth's avatar
Nightmoth said

Groovy, really! Very impressed with your sax work -- the first rift reminds me of the sax player in the break on Floyd's "Money," and the 2nd sax rift reminded me of Quarterflash. Choice guitar rifts!
