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Bury Myself

Robert James

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Did you know that if you use a drummer in GarageBand you can shut off the snare drum? I didn’t. I setup the entire song with the drummer (Benny) and then copied the track to a standard MIDI drums track and deleted all the snare hits. Cool, I thought. It was about 10 minutes after that when I realized you can just click on the snare drum in the drummer setup and it magically goes away, except for fills. I thought it would be fun to try to fill things in during the outro by adding some congas. Then after that I turned up the drum fills and that brought some snare into the game. Oh well.

Lyrically… I think this COVID-19 lock down shit might be getting to me.

All the guitars are a Les Paul into a Fender Bassbreaker 15 amp. The rhythm guitar also used a RYRA The Klone. The leads used a KTR, a uni-vibe, and a Hall of Fame mini.

Somedays I just want to dig a hole and crawl in
bury myself
bury myself
somedays I just want to climb a mountain and then
throw myself off
throw myself off

the trouble with me
what could it all be
I’m trying to see
if this is the key
the trouble with me
I wish I could see

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Cool guitars

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