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This is a Sham

Robert James

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This is #6 out of the 7 leftovers from 2007’s failed RPM. I wrote the lyrics and the melody on Tuesday May 28, 2013 at about 7:30am. Just minutes prior I heard a recording of a conversation between Chad Smith of the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Alex Lifeson of Rush. Rush has been my absolute musical idols ever since I was 10 years old. In the interview, Alex Lifeson talked about how easy it is for mediocre musicians to use Garageband and make decent sounding records and how that was leading to the watering down of the entire music industry.

Alex didn’t mention me by name, but I know in my heart he was talking about me. Musically speaking, me and all of the songs I’ve writen are just a big fat sham.

Not that that is going to stop me, of course.

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