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Too Confusing

Robert James

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Not sure if this one is worthy of the 6:00 running time as it’s not nearly that much of a prog epic. I think I over did the padding (unintentionally). I could have cut the break in the middle considerably, and the solo at the end could be cut in half. Also… the drones.

The drones run the entire length of the song. It’s three guitars with tons and tons of reverb and some delay and some rotary speaker for luck. I turned the volume on the guitar all the way down, hit a low E, swelled the volume up quickly, and held the note until it started to fade. Then I lowered the volume and repeated… for the whole song. Once I had that track, I did it twice more, making sure I didn’t drop the volume down at the same spot on any of the three tracks. Boom. 6+ minute fake drone thing.

Why? I honestly can’t say. It seemed like a good idea at 1:00 in the morning when I wrote the song. What can ya do, right?

Rhythm guitar is Les Paul to KTR to Bassbreaker 15. The drone is the same with a Tri Pi ’70 (Big Muff Pi clone) in front of the KTR. Lead is 335 to KTR to Bassbreaker 15 with the bright switch on. While I was recording, the bright switch was like a revelation. While mixing… not so much.

Verse 1
If I can get through today
Find a way
Come what may
If I can do it again
So what then
Just say when

Verse 2
Never set out to the world
Take my word
For a whirl
Give me one kick at the can
Take the land
Like a man

Things are crazy
Nothing doing
Thinking maybe
Too confusing
Take it lightly
It will beat you
Speak concisely
Total break through

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Love the 335 lead. I see what you mean about mixing, though. And the drone - that's a cute idea. I wasn't gonna listen now (VERY late, VERY drunk), but the description of the drone made me press play. Sounds cool, but I almost wanted more of it - I am drunk, though! That lead, wow, wanna switch a guitar on now... but... there's always tomorrow/today... and bed feels like a good idea.

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