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Robert James

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2021 50/90 Challenge, song #2.

I started this at midnight on July 4, 2021. The very minute the 50/90 challenge started. I’m 90% sure I’ve used almost exactly the same melody before, and I’m 99.999% sure I’ve used exactly the same guitar and bass parts before too. I still kinda like the groove though.

The guitars are a Gibson Les Paul Standard 50’s and the amp on all guitar tracks is a Fender Bassbreaker 15. The rhythm guitar tracks used a Ryra the Klone into a Malaise Forever Black Lives Matter. The leads used the Ryra into a Wren and Cuff Super Russian.

Grasp the weight of it
there’s so much guilt
Every bit of it
must be rebuilt

try to brace yourself
for what’s to come
its too late for that
just get it done

Verse 1
How ever you slice it
it simply won’t hold
not able to tramsit
what needs to be told
Goodbye forever

Verse 2
Whatever you’re feeling
its not even close
its too devestating
can’t be diagnosed
There’s no escaping

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