Rog Hildreth's listening history

Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I always like making these short little mood pieces. The instrumentation consisted of a beer bottle and a little bit of good ol' Powersockey, the cheap battery operated keyboard.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I came up with "Robot Pizza Militia" because I just wanted a title with the initials RPM, but oddly it did end up fitting the song.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I sometimes use a random phrase generator to get song ideas. This time I got "fellow ghost".
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
A couple of the stranger sections of this song resulted from accidentally pasting multiple parts to the wrong tracks (and thus giving them entirely different effects than intended). I often try to embrace "mistakes" as just weird new directions…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
While adding effects to a song, I accidentally put distortion on a leftover silent recording. I kind of liked the hum that resulted and made the rhythm track out of that.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
A harmonica improv, slowed down, played backwards and multi-tracked - I was thinking of something like My Bloody Valentine's "Touched". This and the next three song titles are all anagrams for the same phrase, but I'm going to be mysterious and…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I was sorta trying to write a Mclusky song here - I wasn't exactly successful, but it was fun to try. All of the lyrics are sentences from the 37th page of different books I had lying around: See if you recognize anything from your favorite novel…
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
One of a few tracks where I made use of a toy plastic guitar neck that emits a laser which you "strum" to play chords... So in all seriousness, I can say that I played air guitar on this album.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
I wanted to rap over this, but got stuck when writing lyrics - I have vague plans to make an album or EP consisting of old instrumentals with new rhymes over them, so maybe the rap version will be ready for that.
Quetzalcoatlus's avatar
This started out as an idea for a Big Freedia remix, and I did still make it into one afterwards. All of those crazy fills were edited together via ACID Pro, and other than the rhythm track the instrumentation consists of a distorted harmonica…