Mr Sandbags's listening history

Sudara's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another progress recording, with another month or so of practice and a 16-day practice streak. The concert where I am playing this is next week. I'm hoping to lock in a little more speed between now and then (although I note I seem to have…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another progress recording, with another month or so of practice and a 16-day practice streak. The concert where I am playing this is next week. I'm hoping to lock in a little more speed between now and then (although I note I seem to have…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another progress recording, with another month or so of practice and a 16-day practice streak. The concert where I am playing this is next week. I'm hoping to lock in a little more speed between now and then (although I note I seem to have…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is a recording of the first time I have played Ludivico Einaudi's "I Due Fuimi" all the way through. It includes numerous errors & slight pauses but I managed to keep going and finish it and after MANY months of practice that feels…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another progress recording, with another month or so of practice and a 16-day practice streak. The concert where I am playing this is next week. I'm hoping to lock in a little more speed between now and then (although I note I seem to have…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Another progress recording, with another month or so of practice and a 16-day practice streak. The concert where I am playing this is next week. I'm hoping to lock in a little more speed between now and then (although I note I seem to have…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is a recording of the first time I have played Ludivico Einaudi's "I Due Fuimi" all the way through. It includes numerous errors & slight pauses but I managed to keep going and finish it and after MANY months of practice that feels…
Alter Ego's avatar
This is from years ago, living in santa fe. I loved driving around in my little 1980s toyota corolla and listening to cassettes. I loved the way they sounded. So I took a piano song I was working on, recorded it to cassette, dragged mic…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A violin sample used as an impulse response for a convolution reverb to which various filtered noise is fed. Just playing with the technique.