Twisted Reichazoid 1
Mr Sandbags
I think I may have gone too far!
I’ve been working on the Reichenbach signal chain to include filtering, distortion, EQ, and a resonator. I’ve also switched out the delay and gone hog wild with modulation.
This piece shows how way out the results can be. May be time to dial things back a notch or two.
If you’d like to see what Reichenbach looks like right now and how it works, I’ve made a short screencast.
oldie but goodie.
Those radio waves that surround us to the beginning of time. A strange man and a generator of ideas - it's our Matt. I am twisted and down...
Very cool sounds, but I think you'd better look out your window because the villagers are coming and they're carrying torches and clubs!
What's in your attic?
great weird stuff sandbags. keep making more of it.