Siren of Mirror
A micro-tonal piece made using one instance of the Novaphone 340 (“Imperial”) playing 3 piano samples from SoundIron’s “Emotional Piano 2.0”.
The samples were sequenced using a MIDI keyboard using the Novaphone Micro-8 scale (1/8 semitone per note). The original samples were of notes 44, 60, and 80 with the reference pitch for the tuning being 60.
The resulting sound was processed using CamelPhat, TimeFreezer, MicroWarmer, PanStation, ValhallaShimmer, Eos, and VintageWarmer.
@Bethan: thanks... my imagery was of drifting far out on the edge of the solar system. A very similar feel... down in the inky depths.
From the startling first note I imagined this accompanying a video of old, sunken shipwrecks covered in anenomes with sharks weaving in and out! That's because I have just been looking at some stunning photos of such. Perfect for it!
I would have added: as a result of sound pierced through and through, and go somewhere further on. I turned it on full blast in the studio and seems distant neighbors nervous. I hope they were worried about the meaning of life, as I do now. Here it is - The Result, Matt.