Scott Carmichael's listening history

drakonis's avatar
This little ragtime number began life as just a snippet, written as background music for a home movie years ago. For the hard core ragtime buffs, I know this is not quite syncopated enough to be true ragtime, but hopefully its fun and bouncy…
markholbrook's avatar
While living in Seattle I knew a guy named Larry. Larry was one of the "pretty" people of the world and had most women drooling over him. He met and married Denise... Also one of the "pretty" people of the world. But Denise could not seem to…
markholbrook's avatar
Just a funky song about the world, economy, what we want, what we have.
-t.'s avatar
jiguma's avatar
This is a song I wrote with Lisa Purdy (who sings the harmony vocal) about the experience of depression. Jim Bouchard plays lap steel - I'm playing/singing the rest.
Scott Carmichael's avatar
A Dark and Brooding rendition of and old Christmas song... yet hopeful... starting out subdued with and ancient vibe, and building in drama...
Rob and Steve's avatar
This is it. The final shiny genuine complete done version of the Rob and Steve's Christmas single, Christmas On My Face (A Terrible Case Of Xmas).
Scott Carmichael's avatar
A Dark and Brooding rendition of and old Christmas song... yet hopeful... starting out subdued with and ancient vibe, and building in drama...
Scott Carmichael's avatar
A Dark and Brooding rendition of and old Christmas song... yet hopeful... starting out subdued with and ancient vibe, and building in drama...
Scott Carmichael's avatar
A Dark and Brooding rendition of and old Christmas song... yet hopeful... starting out subdued with and ancient vibe, and building in drama...