the mystery tramp's listening history

the mystery tramp's avatar
A sort of lengthy heart-felt prayer for Peace in a War-torn World
the mystery tramp's avatar
A Lust Song
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Been meaning to enhance this one for years, it's about 4 years old, sure it came about after a trip to Liverpool. The Cavern Club's not the real one, but what a great sound in there. Thanks to the Good Wife for the vocals.
the mystery tramp's avatar
Self-explanatory, really, but yes it does sound like an old AM radio recording (Medium Wave on the Analog dial, kids)
jip's avatar
Thought I'd have a go at a soul number. FDR did some lead but the song was left all alone on my comp until today when I landed on it's lyrics while driving home. Thought I'd have a plumb at auditioning for the 3rd Reg, lol.
Roger M. Harris's avatar
Something for a Lazy Sunday.......
Roger M. Harris's avatar
All about my business I just closed down. 'The Strip Joint', got myself a real job, employed & being paid !!!!! Mind you, most likely I'll have the pants sued off me & I'll end up a bankrupt......That's life...........
Roger M. Harris's avatar
A simple song. An hour to write, half an hour to record. Scares me sometimes !!!! or it's rubbish !!!!
Roger M. Harris's avatar
My mate Dave did his Ringo bit for this one. He came with some songs title's. I was messing about in Open A (I think ) and came up with this. Thanks to Dave for the Harmonica.
FDR's avatar
This was done in the aftermath of an evening out with Lady Jane,The two Regs and Jip 1965 which left me in a state i may never recover from and come to think of it may never remember haha Anyway thanks for a great evening in and out and......until…