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Why don't you stay

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The image of cherry blossoms folding into a gravel footpath is from a poem by Kanoko Okamoto.
Originally from RPM ’07 album, this version has been reworked a fair bit.

Guest said

this is one of those songs you can feel the emotions. I couldn't find the poem you mentioned....any links?

Guest said

Gorgeous! (Just went to fave this, and I see I already have; I must listen to my faves list more often!)

Guest said

Wow! Beautiful track. Nicely done! Like the guitar slide in this.

glu's avatar
glu said

love this one.. very moving

Guest said


jefwashere's avatar
jefwashere said

a new favorite! lounge AND CHILL. NICE!

J dY Stamp's avatar
J dY Stamp said

Nice guitar sound!

Crystal Dawn's avatar
Crystal Dawn said

I want to spend a rainy afternoon with this song.

Guest said

Very nice guitar tone, very good tune!
