The Jet-Black Project's listening history

The Jet-Black Project's avatar
Why are you starting with the LAST song on the album? What is wrong with you? Act like a normal human and go listen to track #1 "Broken Man" and then track #2 "Two sides to Every Story." Tracks 4 and 5 are untogether and are still works in progress…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
Why are you starting with the NEXT TO LAST song on the album? What is wrong with you? Act like a normal human and go listen to track #1 "Broken Man" and then track #2 "Two sides to Every Story." Tracks 4 and 5 are untogether and are still works…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
There's always a "but" isn't there? God Loves Me But... Music and Words by Demetrius Hill ©2010 Demetrius P. Hill, All Rights Reserved It's been made painfully clear, that life's not fair The rich get richer –– the poor poorer –– no one…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
There's always a "but" isn't there? God Loves Me But... Music and Words by Demetrius Hill ©2010 Demetrius P. Hill, All Rights Reserved It's been made painfully clear, that life's not fair The rich get richer –– the poor poorer –– no one…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
I have no idea why I named this song "Random". (hmm, maybe that's EXACTLY why I named it "Random.") I never use the word, I hate when other people do, and it's not mentioned in this song. Enjoy the recital.
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
Sitting On A Rainbow Words and Music by Demetrius P. Hill ©2010 all rights reserved, August 10, 2009 additional lyrics February 22, 2011 Seated at a table. She looked unavailable I was on the rebound. Just about to hit the ground. Baby’s…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
Poor Jan. Personally I thought she had surpassed Marcia in hotness by the final season. But being the middle child, naturally nobody noticed. With apologies to The Silver Platters, The Brady Six, The Banana Convention, and Sam the Butcher…
The Jet-Black Project's avatar
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