sleggthesockpuppet's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Another from the tinsled Cellar last night......I hasen to add this not my family at Christmas time................. PEACE ON EARTH(Lyrics) Its Christmas day on a sunny day the snow has gone away Nobody know what today will bring they sing the…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg is having yet another mid-life crisis he's trying to work through...ever been there.......... LOST (Lyrics) i hear the faint whisper of my youth as it’s calls as it disappears It’s disappeared from me so quick the shock has shook…
thetworegs's avatar
Another from the tinsled Cellar last night......I hasen to add this not my family at Christmas time................. PEACE ON EARTH(Lyrics) Its Christmas day on a sunny day the snow has gone away Nobody know what today will bring they sing the…
thetworegs's avatar
Another from the tinsled Cellar last night......I hasen to add this not my family at Christmas time................. PEACE ON EARTH(Lyrics) Its Christmas day on a sunny day the snow has gone away Nobody know what today will bring they sing the…
thetworegs's avatar
Without the waffle.................
thetworegs's avatar
Well heres my attempt at singing Jerusalem....i would have liked to have performed it better so that the vocal would have done Chris's music more Justice but sometimes you just have to do what you can and go with the flow........thanks Chris…
thetworegs's avatar
The insecurity of criticism to the nowhere man ......... I didn't have time this evening to put any music to this so i've put an old instrumental (The Turkish Lout) to it.....hope you enjoy my little drama about that nowhere man....(Be Warned…
thetworegs's avatar
Spare a thought for those with nothing this Christmas..... Homeless with no family.........and no one to help....... CHRISTMAS ALONE (Lyrics) Nobody is listening no body knocking on my door nobody is near me nobody wants me i’m nobody’s…
thetworegs's avatar
I got the other Reg to lay some guitar on this one and sacked the one armed Banjo Player......Hope you like it
thetworegs's avatar
Down the cellar this evening we were having a bit of fun with this old Elvis Classic ....he didn't seem to mind.....but Dr Nick had been in earlier.........with the one armed Banjo band backing...