slkrell's listening history

slkrell's avatar
Warrior Clans are a part of my heritage. Speaking plain truth to each other is a sign of respect , not a micro Aggression.
slkrell's avatar
April rain storms are exciting but I am warm and cozy in side. wrote this after hearing that some people suggest a dream before settling in for the nite. My J 45 really wrote this tune I just sang along
slkrell's avatar
April rain storms are exciting but I am warm and cozy in side. wrote this after hearing that some people suggest a dream before settling in for the nite. My J 45 really wrote this tune I just sang along
slkrell's avatar
April rain storms are exciting but I am warm and cozy in side. wrote this after hearing that some people suggest a dream before settling in for the nite. My J 45 really wrote this tune I just sang along
slkrell's avatar
the telemarketers are working from home, very hard indeed. this gives me the modern blues
Robert James's avatar
This is sort of two songs stuck together. That wasn't the plan, it just sort of happened. The only thing interesting about the noisier first half is the fuzz pedal on the rhythm guitar. Big Muffs really are harder to fit into a mix. I do love…
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
I went to that High School, I wonder how many of them survived the Thirst:)
markus4lonetone's avatar
Hey, I just improvised again this night and wanted to share what came out. Usually I'm such a perfectionist and have to get every detail right, with the effect that I don't share a lot of stuff that I do. Here I recorded the first voice…
markus4lonetone's avatar
This Track was recorded a couple of years ago, and I started thinking about it because of the recent Track "dreaming" that I uploaded. My friend Lavasir Nordrum ( somehow managed to get us…
slkrell's avatar
Warrior Clans are a part of my heritage. Speaking plain truth to each other is a sign of respect , not a micro Aggression.