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the truth about humans - by the nu psimians

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i wannabe the driver of the oncoming train
whose headlight is the light at the end of the tunnel
one hand clutching my whiskey bottle
the other hand waving the very very very very last
straw that broke the back of the camel that passed
through the eye of the needle in the haystack, singing
come back, come back, come back, come back
all is forgiven casey jones

I wannabe a terrorism tourist on the turret
at the top of the tower of babel
buying bootleg bindings of the babylon bible
from the builders taking teabreaks
i’m praying to anubis the dog-headed god
that the award-winning surgeon doctor herringbone cod
can cure my chronic poly-species
body/self-image dysmorphia

demons & devils hark unto me
I know you believe yourselves
to be resisting a call to transform yourselves
into angels and dwell in heaven
instead the truth for I know the truth
is that the call that you are resisting
is to make one last colossal effort
to become merely human

it is widely believed and often repeated
by lovers of fact and believers in science
that 96.7%
of a human being is water
contrariwise the seldom suspected
true composition of a human being
is 98.9%
complete and utter nonsense

i release the need for allergies
aches & pains and any kind
of restriction to my movement
all of nature supports me
animal vegetable mineral mechanical
cybernetic corporate ecclesiastical
cellular molecular the so-called subatomic
cognitive emotional cultural discursive
the collective unconscious the fantastic imaginary

so why don’t you try to act as if
you owned the world because it’s true you know
you do you know you know you do
who the hell did you think it belonged to?
you are the second coming
every single one of you
who on earth did you ever think
it could possibly be but you?
