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princess anorexia - by the true flies

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princess anorexia (’90s demo i think)

princess anorexia was out walking
in the magnetic fields of her mother
queen anaesthesia, whose reign had died down
until now it was no more than an irritating drivel

for her protection the princess was wearing
general mcarther’s parka
to keep her safe from the anoraks of anarchy
and the trenchcoats of treachery

but lest the raincoat should prove inadequate
the princess was surrounded by an entourage
of warriors and worriers, borrowers and burrowers
couriers, carriers and curriers of flavour

the princess stops by a tree
her soldiers queue up for a pee
and old lord bogus plays for them
on his euphonium

the princess crosses her eyes and drops her tea and sighs
and starts to fall into the harvey-sized rabbit-hole of good queen anaesthesia
and she feels queasier and queasier
crazier, sleazier, lazier and easier

i’m wearing princess anorexia’s anorak
alas and alack, do you want your money back?
king kong………….prince ambrosia

David Toy's avatar
David Toy said


Fyrce Muons's avatar
Fyrce Muons said

Another great tune

Sha-Pink's avatar
Sha-Pink said

Jesus Christ it's like listening to a live Hawkwind recording!
