96 tracks by Songs From Nowhere Project
Another electronica piece composed and produced using Jamdeck/Reaper. Enjoy!
My first progressive metal song in almost ten years. And "Consuming Fire" didn't have original lyrics. For the record, this song is a composite of two different people, maybe more than that. It's not written about any one person, and it's not…
A stripped down rework, for the to-be-released album Volume 4.
Electric version, rerecorded today for a friend of mine.
I apparently have found myself as band leader of a group called Gypsy Rose, which is about to tour. I am trying to pull together a group of musicians to do stuff on very short notice. The plan is by February to record videos for five covers, one…
A lot of stuff is going on in my life right now, stuff I'm struggling with. When that happens, I create, and what is going on feeds the work.. The chaos is causing my songwriting to become more apocalyptic in nature. This is a new song called…
"Luminous Night" is the name I call my electronica project. That went dormant for a while but there will be more of it now that I switched out my huge Juno 106 analog synth for a tiny keyboard that I can sit on my bed and plug into the laptop…
The guitar part and part of the words came first- the song was not easily written. I had to force it a little, and finished it today after having fragments kick around in my head for over a month. I hope the words and performance live up to the…
This song started when thinking about some unfortunate occurences that had happened to close friend of mine. I had the "no justice blues." I put that up on Facebook (I've got the no justice blues). A friend of mine whose is a libertarian made…
New song. Wrote the guitar part first, lyrics came later. This is one of the first songs I've done more than one track on in quite a while, and also one that isn't dark (unusual for me). Anyway, enjoy!
This track dates back to 2012, when I was in the process of recording my 2nd album, "The Only Way to Build is to Tear Down," in a super run down shack, while seriously broke. On the other hand, that was the last album I really did multitracking…
This is a new song I wrote about two weeks back, and am FINALLY able to perform (I wrote the guitar part first, and it was too hard initially to sing and play. Even now, the timing is off in a few spots- that'll change as I perform it more). I…
This is a song written about a week ago, maybe two, but at the time I couldn't play it and sing at the same time because of the difficulty of the guitar part. It's a bit of a scratch version, I think the vocal timing will improve and change some…
This is yet another song that inspired by a completely ridiculous thing that happened at work. It took on a life of its own, I'm really happy with it, especially with the lyrics. Hope you enjoy it!
This is a song that was inspired by watching an elephant walk across a large field happily flapping her ears! You probably wouldn't have got that by listening to it though, I was deliberately as ambiguous as possible when writing it!
A friend of mine is a director/scriptwriter, and asked me to do a version of "John Barleycorn Must Die" for his documentary on the Appalachian Trail. Instead of doing a cover of Traffic's version, I came up with my own version based on the original…
This is a song about trying to bring the dead to life and other things that seem hopeless! Enjoy!
Dark little number. I just finished rereading "The Stand." That probably influenced the imagery of this song a little, though the message is actually pretty positive. It's about pushing through adversity.
This is a song very very loosely based on the book of Hosea. I recently acquired a Regal Duolian guitar (brass bodied single cone resophonic, my first!) which is now my primary guitar as the Martin is out of commission until repaired. This is…