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Live or Die?

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10 years old or 25
Who should be by our side?
What should our minds be like?
There’s nowhere to hide
There’s nowhere to hide
Only to grieve inside
Should I live or die?

Man and women
Children and adults
We need to fix them
Or we need to stop them?
Or we need to shoot them?
Or we need to respect them?

Silenced voices
Mental noises
Damaged heads
Teenagers getting depressed
Life diying fast
Lungs losing breath

Can I live here please?
I don’t ask that you understand me
I just ask that you let me live
I just ask that you let me breathe
I just ask that you don’t be mean
I don’t ask that you see
The world the way I see
I don’t ask that you be like me
I just ask that I can stay here

Silenced noises
Mental voices
Damaged heads
Teenagers getting depressed (2x)

Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

I wrote this song thinking about how we are always asking for respect and the right to live as who we are with our differences. No matter our age, we are trying to survive all the time dealing with humans who treat us like abnormal people when they are not being treated like abnormal too. Because no one is safe from the hate in our civilizations.
