Spice Rack Collective's listening history
Another "the chord sequence spells something" track. I'm fond of those.
Real drums, bass, and guitar. Think the "vocals" were taken from another track and heavily manipulated. I like 'em. :)
Created in Reaper using the Foghorn instrument from LABS.
Created in Reaper using the Fission A instrument set from Triple Spiral Audio.
Created using MuseScore 4 and an instrument from the LABS collection. Bits and pieces reminded me of the old Tron video game, so the name of this one was almost "Arcade".
Early on, after we recorded the first couple of takes of Leum’s song, Silence is Sound, Nick and I chatted about Leum’s request for somebody to replace the guitar part on the song. I thought about maybe using my baritone and/or 12-string hollowbody…
Dan was (*ahem*) instrumental in very first Spice Rack Collective album way back in 2010, and we’ve gotten together a few times since then for various jam/recording sessions, including RPM albums in 2015, 2018, and 2019.
Robbie and I have been…