Sudara's listening history

erocnet's avatar
Source: Guitar, Ebow and Count to 5 pedal
Flu's avatar
Sudara's avatar
Draft of first two sections... --- There's no way out of here that I can see. There's no need to fight in here. Nobody wins. Why do you want it so bad?
James Michael Taylor's avatar
SKEEN's avatar
Lionel the hermit crab - Skeen Remix 120607 Lionel the hermit crab lives by the sea, oh yeh He looks a little bit like you, a little bit like me, Lionel the hermit crab doesn't have no friends, oh no He'll live his life alone in his shell…
SKEEN's avatar
Lionel the hermit crab - Skeen Remix 120607 Lionel the hermit crab lives by the sea, oh yeh He looks a little bit like you, a little bit like me, Lionel the hermit crab doesn't have no friends, oh no He'll live his life alone in his shell…
SKEEN's avatar
Lionel the hermit crab - Skeen Remix 120607 Lionel the hermit crab lives by the sea, oh yeh He looks a little bit like you, a little bit like me, Lionel the hermit crab doesn't have no friends, oh no He'll live his life alone in his shell…
SKEEN's avatar
Lionel the hermit crab - Skeen Remix 120607 Lionel the hermit crab lives by the sea, oh yeh He looks a little bit like you, a little bit like me, Lionel the hermit crab doesn't have no friends, oh no He'll live his life alone in his shell…
SKEEN's avatar
Lionel the hermit crab - Skeen Remix 120607 Lionel the hermit crab lives by the sea, oh yeh He looks a little bit like you, a little bit like me, Lionel the hermit crab doesn't have no friends, oh no He'll live his life alone in his shell…
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
vamp thing maybe for something but now for Sound-In 1-25-20