Sudara's listening history

jefwashere's avatar
hit record and let it flow.
Room 34's avatar
Not sure quite what happened here, though I think my bass caught whatever disease Chris Squire's gear was afflicted with in the late '70s.
Room 34's avatar
A 15/8 shuffle inspired by my rendition of "Greensleeves" recorded last year for Sidedown's Holiday Challenge.
Room 34's avatar
A track I improvised and (mostly) recorded on Thanksgiving evening.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is a track I've been working on for quite a while so I am glad to finally have it out of my head. I have a kind of love/hate relationship with time and its humble functionary, the clock. Ticking, in particular, is something I am ambivalent…
fireandfaith's avatar
As You Go...You Shall Not Go Empty!!
Pea Sized's avatar
Yeah, that's a mellotron cello sample. I knew you'd recognize it!
harvey's avatar
Experimenting with my piano/keyboard skillz and a first attempt at record clapping. Needs a good go over with some quality drums and some better arranging. Everything sounds very "synthy" on account of I don't have any quality VSTi at the moment.
harvey's avatar
Something I'm working on. I'm a sucker for 5/4 time these days. The biggest issue is the vocals which are sort of a placeholder right now until I re-write and re-record them, or maybe even find someone who can actually sing to lay something down!
The Missed Connections's avatar