thetworegs's listening history

Movement To Contact's avatar
Run bird run
Din's avatar
SDCompo round 93 Funny thing about this tune is the first draft was an entirely different animal. This version formed toward the end of the round and came together in 5 days. This one actually placed first.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Improv guitar track from 2011
midcenturymodern's avatar
Recently I kind of remembered what it was like to be young and on the verge of an apocalypse. I apologize to Patty Smith, but I did.
Reefwalker's avatar
drip by drip.. I did the guitar and bass tracks first, then procured my 10 year olds cello for the main bass line :) I also tried my luck playing cello with a bow on this track- which was a new experience. The trumpet and violin bits are played…
vaisvil's avatar
Graphic by William Newbold Genre: Electronica: Ambient Year: 2009 Album: Tritium Crystals Artist's description: William Newbold's performance modified by Chris Vaisvil Scored for amplified prepared piano and choir ensemble…
vaisvil's avatar
For Choir Humility Do Not Come to You Bet you do not know what I do what I am doing what I m doing Bet you do not understand Yes I realize that you think you think you are so big and its hollow the night you stand Humility…
vaisvil's avatar
Before breaking down my current effect chain I thought it might fun to use a piezo contact and record my kalimba.
AMUC's avatar
I got nothing. Insert some random post-apocalyptic sci-fi narrative here, involving Speak And Spells achieving sentience and taking over the world, only to be thwarted by the Amish. Alternatively, "Based On A True Story" something something.
thetworegs's avatar
FUNKY HEART PROBLEMS w/Hardlock To all those with the same problem something to smile about ....... Funky Heart Problems Eggs sausages bacon and beans that’s all I think of eating That’s all want to eat but I can’t with this diet that I…