thetworegs's listening history
17 edo guitars layed in different ways and groupings.
video version
All I had was a crappy shoe box cassette recorder when my piano teacher played a composition I had wrote. She sight read my score which is an amazing skill as far as I'm concerned. To me in this composition I’m aiming at somewhere between Ives…
A bit of Heavy Rock to give you a headache
The tension is taught
the pressure it builds
The muscles are tight
The pain is unreal
The clot is released
Bouncing round my mind
Its a bullet loose
aimed at ending time
Stop this…
I can finally see through my eyes now
Everything is clear
Suddenly everything is back into focus
I have no fear
I can see you
you can see me
We can be one
I can feel you
you can touch me
We can be one
The days have gone of…
In case you are in the mood today to kick some ass with Mike and me.
Congas, Vintage Bass Cocktail Drum, Bongos, and (of course) Cowbell.
This is a true story. Im pretty sure this guy still has a taxi job on the night shift in Denver.
Too long since I’ve posted a song. Most importantly, I got Norm to dust off the skins and record some percussion for me. Good to hear Norm and…
After several bottles of wine, thetworegs and I were able to coerce Elvis and a few others down in regs basement to come out for a long overdue collab. After all, isn't October collab month?
Thanks again for the great vox!!