thetworegs's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
An instrumental that sits in the middle where your grandfather would have been turning the LP over to play side 2
Gumbo's avatar
Every silver lining has a Cloud
Gumbo's avatar
Ever since i heard Cave Street's Creator Protector Destroyer (from their 2010 RPM album) run from that song back into the opening didj of Onion Bell (the first track) i wanted to put the lyrics to that pulsing energy, and today i had time to give…
Gumbo's avatar
A fun childrens tune from 2008, it really ought to be a hot fiddle tune but i don't have a hot fiddle. Old fox coming down the road now Bunny Bunny Run Run Bunny Bunny Go White tails bobbing in the air there funny bunny Go Go Bunny Bunny Run…
Gumbo's avatar
Aarrhhh ye scurvy sons (and daughters) of sea-rats, the pesky pluckers have been at it again. Pin back yer lug-holes or it's the plank ye'll be hoping for!
Gumbo's avatar
Cave Street posted a track recently, their contribution to the Woody Guthrie Project, organised by Akron Family. I wanted to take a shot at this too, so here's my demo. It was really just half…
Gumbo's avatar
An old Blues - you coming or staying?
Gumbo's avatar
An old Blues - you coming or staying?
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a special request by Sister. It's kinda sloppy. Frankly, because I suck at it :) I'm not much of a cover musician but I gave it hell. It's mostly analog. MIDI drums, DB33 organ patch, strat leads, and Ibanez chords, Dean bass…