thetworegs's listening history

Mrs. Nussbaum's Credit Card's avatar
When I put these last 3 songs on itunes, my computer did something weird. It told me that these songs were already out there on the internet somewhere. So, in order not to infringe on any copyright laws, I would like to assure everyone that NONE…
Bacalao's avatar
introduction to four covers from video games that left a lasting impression on my childhood. Download the full EP here...
Sandy Gritt's avatar
Syd was one of a kind. Recorded live with backing vocal added.
Newbold's avatar
this is the midi file called porcupine-22 feed thru my supernova II not sure where clones got the file or if that was one he made himself but I believe it was in the section of MIDI files to feed into the nova.. :) then the edits and the mixing…
Sudara's avatar
Also known as Cooking With Condiments! A snack. Nothing much of substance in the cupboards or fridge, but doesn't mean you should go without eating.
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
this is the piece de resentemente
Gumbo's avatar
A happy song about being left by your no-good spouse. There's a word for the attitude in this song but I can't think of it right now ... this is now a tidied up version 18/3/09
Gumbo's avatar
Banjo and Guitar and Vocal. Sometimes you don't want to look back. this si now a tidied up version of this track 18/3/09
DanielB 's avatar
This track is played entirely on the DSI Mopho analogue monophonic synthesizer.
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
Norbert Oldani & Roger Sundstrom round out the soundscape against my quasi-just intonation singing and quirky rhythm section electronica.