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Winds Of Change

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Reg has got a new self help cd because he’s not too happy with the direction his life has been going and he needs a change but his not sure how to go about it………….


You must always question doubt
You must find out what you are about
What is it i want
Who are we, what are we, are we anything at all
What am i
What makes you think
What makes you talk
What makes you believe your anyone at all
Who are you, are you anyone, at all, at all, at all
You have to take time out from life now and again
Just to question what it is you want
Do you want to carry on in the same old groove
Do you want to question it and run
Your life is caught in a trap
You know no good will come of it
Your caught like a rat
You have no chance to attack your just complete
A complete nothing, nothing, nothing
If you feel this way in life
Then take a moment
Take two moments
Decide what you want from life
Because it’s quickly over and the one thing you should do is enjoy it
You have no aim in your life
I have no aim
You have nothing to account for
I have nothing
You have not discovered yourself
I haven’t looked in at myself
Your just nothing
Am i nothing
You must answer these questions of doubt
You must look deep into the recess’s of your mind
And ask yourself what gives you pleasure
What does give me pleasure
Then, you will have the answer to life
Because pleasure, is life
The vision of yourself is blurred
The image that reflects is ignored
You want to touch feel, feel emotion
Then take note of the winds of change
I’m gonna take note of the winds of change
When you see your reflection in the mirror
Make sure you see the real
I’m gonna look
Looking back at you
Truth comes in many guises
Take note of the winds of change
Let them blow, let them blow
What makes you think, what makes you talk
What makes you believe your anyone at all
Sitting procrastinating doing nothing at all
I’m gonna think
Take note
I’m gonna take note
Of the winds of change
I’m gonna let them blow all over me
Ask yourself a question in life
Are you happy with where it’s aiming
I’m not
The arrow is quick in flight but it will eventually come to ground
I’m gonna change, I’m gonna change, I’m gonna change

lgh's avatar
lgh said

this is cool.... I too have a song I made, that is called 'the winds of change', but it is different, of course.... LOL Piepod LG

Guest said

You're like the gangsters of alonetone. You're the cool guys who look good in shades in dark places. You make me smile when I feel totally bleak. I love this track. It has medicinal properties.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Very motivating!
