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look the other way


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Reg has been reading the papers again, it always brings him down, but this time he can’t carry on looking the other way and ignoring the news and the facts that the life, the freedoms he holds dear are slowly being dissolved not just by his government but it seems to Reg its the world over that they, the establishment are slowly trying to take his freedoms from him and enough enough its time for action …..but as a team of one Reg doesn’t have much of a voice so he decided to write a protest song…. Join the fight ….you get a free badge and a cup of tea at the next meeting down the cellar

Look the other way
They tell me everything is broken
That the doors are open wide
Like King Canute on the waterside
There’s no one can stop the tide
The life we know and loved
is about to be digitised
The old ways that we know are about to be thrown to the curb-side

I say No
we can’t look the other way
we’ve got to try and make them listen to what we have to say

The cameras are going up
The eye is up there in the sky
They watch us through the day
And way into the night
Soon they’ll take our cash
and have control of it all
Its then they’ll take the stick
And try to beat us all


So lets get out there on our feet
And Tell them what is what
Were supposed to live in a democracy
And I tell you, we are not
Slowly their taking our freedom
And there taking it every day
A little piece here
A little piece there
There taking it all away
I say No
We can’t look the other way no more
No we can’t look the other way


They tell me everything is broken
That the doors are open wide
Like King Canute on the waterside
There’s no one to stop the tide
They tell us now everything has got to be digitised
That old ways that we know are to be thrown to the curb-side

No we can’t look the other way
We’ve got to try and have a say

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Well said and well played. These times we are living in sure are something…..

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