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What are we going to do?


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When Reg was a young man he was a bit of a psychenaut he spent many a day and night exploring the other side of the door, but there came a time when he felt he couldn’t get any farther behind the door and that the drugs had stopped working the fuel for his flight had run out and he had to land. He started to drink to cushion the blow but he knew that wouldn’t work so tried it clean but found life was too hard. This is a song about Reg coming to that realisation that him and his flight crew were going to have to land without crashing ……..

                  What are we going to do?

I know I don;’t have to tell you that drugs don’t work anymore
The door that was open is closed for evermore

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

In our youth we flew without fear
Now there seems nowhere safe to land
It seems the faith in the truth has been forgotten

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

Flashback of dreams had ,remind us of that time
Of finding the truth behind the veil
The belief of lifes circle with a route that would never end

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

We drown ourselves in drink to hide from the grind
We know before we start, its not going to do
We try to live it clean but its just too hard

what are we going to do

What are we going to do


what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

what are we going to do
Now theres no escape for me and you

Do we just give in without a try
Or trust in those beliefs we found out there on the otherside
We know the answers lay behind the door

Why have we stopped, we no longer explore
I have no answer cause, I know I don’t know it all
The switch some how it got turned off
I can’t reach it to turn it back on
I’m just a man who feels lost
what are we going to do
what are we going to do

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