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What do you believe ?


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Well we had the election here in the UK, i heard on the radio it was something like 42 percent of the population, roughly 30 million of the supposed 70 million who live in the uk turned out and voted, {although wikipedia say 59 percent} the winners got something like 32 percent of the 42 percent which is, if my maths is right is around 9 and a half million votes for the winners and there was 20 million votes for the losers is that democracy??? or did i just hear it wrong on the radio not forgetting the 40 million who couldn’t give a fuck who won but i’m sure they’ll be sure to complain when everything goes up in price because i doubt very much anything will be going down anyway thats the bases of the song ….What do you believe ?

             What do you believe ?

You could say that we have got exactly what we need
You could say we have a leader who is firmly on his lead
Now Tell me what the truth is
Tel me what you feel inside
Is it really gonna be the way he descibed

The new man says he will lead us
He will take us back up to the top
He says there will be change
But I don’t believe there will be a lot
Oh what do you believe
Do you believe he really cares
Do you believe he will do what we want

I remember the other lot promised us the world
The ones before them I didn’t believe a word
Now tell me what you really believe
Do you believe we have choice
Do you think they really believe in you and me

They”ve promised us change
They have promised us a different way
They promise that they won’t spend too much
Or treat us like their slaves
Tell what you really think
Do you think they’ll do what they say
Do think we’ll be ok
Or are we just being played for their fools again

Well I for one I don’t believe a bloody word
I’ve heard all those promises
I”Ve heard it all before
I think we’ve dug a hole
They’ll be worse that useless lot before

We’ll be taxed unti we bleed
Not a penny to the ones who need
Just more jobs for their political friends

Quangos will pour like wine
Society will be over run in no Time
Our GDP will all be spent away

Now Will you still believe in democracy
Or is just me
Thinking everything will be pissed away

tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

love it great lyrics , smart work ......cheers tony cee

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