1497 tracks by thetworegs
another for the RPM poor old Reg he's really down ....
A Darkness
I closed my eyes and tried to conjure up a dream
But my minds blank I’m running on low esteem
I can’t concentrate on any thing
I’m hiding trying to sacrafice…
One for the Rpm challenge poor old Reg he always has to run he has the fear of love ....will he ever be happy?
I gotta leave
Well I’ve been running from my love for you
Don’t ask me why I’m being stupid
Just seems…
Its very windy here today i think that has something to do with the lyric ....
The Answer
the answer, they say is blowing out there in the breeze
Smoke from the burial fire will putyour soul at ease
The winds of change, the winds of…
Reg reckons he's found the essence of his problems if only he found that little bit of love earlier in life it would have all been different...... or would it ?
Little bit of love
I’ve been lost in this maze we call life
There was .......Honest!
There was a sailor who went to sea
There was a sailor who went to sea
Just see what he should be
But he got lost
he got lost and never found
What it was he was meant to be
That poor man got lost at sea…
Just having a strum as the wind howls outside and this one came out ....
The thrill of the night
Everyone knows that the suns got to set
And a darkness will set upon the scene
The throng from the street will silence then…
I have been a bit busy this last few weeks one ill with the flu and the other busy preparing the fields for the new foals which came on Thursday ....and while working away i've been thinking...... well, where do you start, poor old Blighty is…
Again having a strum after reading in the paper about the secrets of a vicar that the archbishop had been keeping secret for years to try and save face for the church but with no regard for the children damaged by this devil…
was having a strum and nothing was showing itself and this popped out from somewhere i even tried out a bit of blowing through the Harmonica :D and then a bit of keyboard drums.....well it filled out an afternoon oh i've never been to Tuscon…
Have you ever had the Tuesday feeling? Reg has....
Tuesday feeling
The reflection staines the window not realising it’s already dead
it doesn’t understand why the thoughts it has are not in in itshead
it’s been…
Reg as gone introspective ..... too long looking in the mirror this morning while shaving and he started thinking not a good thing to do first thing in the morning....Thinking...i mean the sun wasn't even up!
It all started with a strum…
Just another day seeing that grey mass of clouds out of the window
Just another Autumn day
Summer runs away
Leaving me here alone to stay
The clouds are still but the sky is an ugly grey
silence is everywhere
Reg is slowly climbing out of his black hole
Top of the hill
Top of the hill
Looking down at the view
Trying to tell myself what it is I should do
Trying to understand what it takes to be this man
Who’s confused about…
i couldn't stop strumming and this one fell out
Cheated Heart
Mary she knew
What she had to do
As she skip through the clouds
She thought love was true
She knew what it looked like
Thought she knew what it would be like…
I put some new strings on the Gibson and changed the battery and this time i plugged it into the kemper using a Fishman Artist (Acoustic) then gave it a good strum to break the strings in then added these words it all seemed to come at once so…
I had an hour so went down the cellar and this one spilled out .....
The Sinner
Watching this world rock n roll
Drowning in sorrow as one of the schoal
Knowing their net would entangle my soul
And never let go
Tied to the…
Ive just realised its Autumn and summer has gone....F...k!
the lyrics kinda came straight away i only changed a couple of words
The glimmer of light
Breaks into my room
Bringing along the day light…
Well Reg is carrying on with the therapy because it seems to be working today he spent a while in front of the mirror bigging himself up before venturing out into the world ......
King for today
Shake my hand
you’ve won…
Well Reg has been giving himself a bit of therapy so he picked up the guitar and wrote down what came out and this is it.....
Why do i long for tomorow ?
Why do I look to tomorrow
Why does chaos rule today
Why does the wind…
Sometimes Reg just wants to run off to yesterday where every thing was better. Or was it really ?
When things are too much and your heads all in a mess
When all the bills come through door and its such…