Your memory fades
Another RPM
Reg starts to worry that he’s forgetting his loved ones that have passed
Your memory fades
I can’t see your face no more in my mind
With my eyes closed your image starts to fade
I forgot your vioce how it sounds
The way you were when you were around
The way you were just being you
I just feel cold deep inside
Not warm with your love as I was with you
We were so free and open
We could talk, with out words spoken
Now I feel I’m slowly loosing you
Each day I feel your memory fade a little bit more
The days pass slowly without you by my side
I feel I’m loosing you again
as the memories fade
slowy they go back to black
Your touch I crave
I can’t let you go
You mean so much to me
Those memories are like gold
I can’t let you go again
Somehow I’ve got to get ithem back
Bring those memories back
There so prescious to me
When I sit a lone
mostly thinking of you
Trying to hold on
To memory of you
A treasure I can’t let go
Because I loved you so
I loved the way you were
I loved the way you sound
I loved everything about you
Some how I’ve got hold on
Bring those memories back
Cause I know I can’t let you go
Reg has been thinking the same sh!t I have!!! Omigod... I'm not Reg am I? Cool track
great track reminds me of the style of the faces type track , great listen .....cheers tony cee