1406 tracks by thetworegs

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has been trying to learn the art of slowing down, relaxing under the pressure of abstinence.......................it seems to be going well .............
thetworegs's avatar
Without the waffle................
thetworegs's avatar
During the fight for Bataan in WWII Poor old Forrest took a knap and became a prisoner of the Japanese..............
thetworegs's avatar
Reg is willing to do anything to cure himself of his addiction to alcohol and when he hears that they are restarting the experiments with LSD to help cure alcoholism he has to find out more. Through internet research Reg finds out that the experiments…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was at his local AA meeting last night and just had to express some truth's he had to the others there......................but they didn't believe him they thought he could stop but Reg knew better.......i mean it was the Devil that told…
thetworegs's avatar
Well last night none other that the headbanger Byron turned up at the cellar well him and Debussey got together and came up with little beauty............
thetworegs's avatar
Elvis has a few questions but not any answers............................This time Elvis had a little help from the local Japanese band that hang out at the local Chinese restaurant, he frequents and they bought along there instruments,down the…
thetworegs's avatar
Well can you?...........
thetworegs's avatar
I heard this beat of Norms this morning bright and early an had to jump all over ilesa in my mind she was her instead of a town it was fun but it didn't last.....the same old story.....it was her fault she was too hot.......What can i say
thetworegs's avatar
The radio play episode 1 is introducing Thetworegs with Reg as writer performer, musician, and producer as the budget was rather low.......... They have just set sail for Germany it was time for them to leave England before they were caught…
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg got up to answer the phone and all of a sudden...............
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling a little sentimental in the cellar last night when everybody had left and started to wonder................ Yesterday i had a dream (Lyrics) Yesterday i had a dream It seemed so real I could touch it I could feel But the door…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was out for a stroll in town and met Jed who was homeless sitting on the pavement with his hat out in front of him. Reg stopped to have a chat with him to see if he could help. Reg expected him to have a sad story but to his surprise he hadn…
thetworegs's avatar
The door has closed and Reg is very afraid of the days ahead so he had a chat with Jim down in the cellar last night and this is what they came up with.......... Strange Days (Lyrics) Strange days have come to me again Lost and afraid i cant…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has decided he needs to lose it tonight he doesn't care if that is with drink with sex with drugs in his mind or down the road he just wants to get lost".."..........
thetworegs's avatar
Reg has realized the fun is over and the door has been closed so it must be time to come down. There is always tomorrow.................
thetworegs's avatar
Reg decided to check on the perimeter and suddenly realised he was the only one out there and he was all alone.........
thetworegs's avatar
Reg knows why he drinks it was to forget but what it was he was trying to forget he realizes he has forgotten.............but now he cant stop.......
thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard Igh's track Downbeat with n upbeat and started to groove and here is the result .......................Thanks Igh
thetworegs's avatar
Another one from the collaboration of Chris Vaisvil, Norm and thetworegs from the album Women and Whisky together ain't no good. We hope you enjoy...................... Reg created the lyrics, vocal melody, and sang Norm composed and played…