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track 5 from Novella Minor. Probably actually my least favourite song on the album. In retrospect, I would like to have replaced it with something different, but it’s kind of carved in stone now. I mean, it’s not terrible, it just doesn’t really sound like us. y’know?

There’s no one left to blame. I’ve got to get out of this.
Come meet my new friend, I think she’d like your autograph.

There comes a silence and a dignified response. I take apart your intellect and use of reason,
but it’s still wrong how it shoves and shakes leads me astray.

There’s not much left to do here, let’s go get pissed.
I know a quiet place where no one ever goes.

There comes a silence that smells of cold disbelief.
I take my chances with your anger and total lack of self control.
It’s so wrong how it kneads and breaks and leaves me behind.

“So give in.” I tell myself.
“Give in.” You tell yourself.

You tell yourself to….
… live. breathe. drink. shit. paint. fuck. defend someone weak, and serve only the God who is your soul.

There comes a silence and a sigh of relief.
You take a stab at my passion and new found will to be.
But it’s still wrong how I pause and weave and take my time.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

kind of nerosis-ish it.

+++'s avatar
+++ said

