This Wretched Vessel's listening history

wilsun's avatar
“Shine” by Wilson Ng, written and recorded in February 2022 for the RPM Challenge. Outtake from the 2022 RPM Challenge Sessions. Just one of those songs that doesn't seem to work. Wanted to recut the vocals because they were basically scratch…
wilsun's avatar
“Shine” by Wilson Ng, written and recorded in February 2022 for the RPM Challenge. Outtake from the 2022 RPM Challenge Sessions. Just one of those songs that doesn't seem to work. Wanted to recut the vocals because they were basically scratch…
ieatpants's avatar
hardship as a child leads to hardship as a father.
ieatpants's avatar
gotta go. bye!
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022** Song number 15 Written Wednesday 23rd February 2022 **** I wasn't able to stop! I really meant to, but... Oh well. It's still February, so it can go with the others. IT IS MY FIRM INTENTION TO…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022** Song number 14 Written Monday 21st February 2022 **** This is it ... FAWM's all finished for me... time for a lie down now. There's still nearly a week to go, but I'm done, 14 songs written in 16…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022** Song number 13 Written Saturday 19th February 2022 **** UPDATE: 8 Hours after posting I just spotted that I listened to and favourited a song called... um... "We're Done" by oldfolks2 - check it out…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022** Song number 12 Written Friday 18th February 2022 **** I had NOTHING. I decided to rest today with so much time left and only 3 to do. I had this title, but no... must... rest However, Madame La…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022** Song number 11 Written Thursday 17th February 2022 **** Feels like I'm on the last lap now. Only 3 more needed. This one came from a suggestion from Mrs R this morning. I didn't quite fancy it, but…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022** Song number 10 Written Wednesday 16th February 2022 **** I've had the little guitar bit in the middle for years and years and years. Even my wife recognises it, I play it so often. Yesterday while…