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01 Throw Away Songs

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RPM2023. February, the month of concessions. I didn’t have the time to put into the original idea that I had for this year, so first concession, put that on the back burner and instead do something a little, or a lot, simpler.

A collection of short, silly, stupid, childish, bratty, er… bland songs.

It was too cold to work in the basement, so I traded comfort for tone. My usual amps, cabs, and mics were traded for an overdrive pedal and a Torpedo CAB-M. I think if I took more time, I could get guitar tones more to my liking. Just not gutsy enough in the lower mids. Didn’t help that all decision making was done through headphones, either.

So, enjoy my journey back to sounds that inspired me to play guitar in the first place. Each song has a bit of a sound like some of my favorite bands from my teenage years in the 90s. To keep from drooling, you can guess the band.

Aged Machine's avatar
Aged Machine said

Rock on! This is perfect.
