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when the world speaks your name

Vegetable Man

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This was written for RPM 2009, mostly in January and was inspired by from a mix of current events and personal journey.


The Queen of Pearls is wearing diamonds
up and down her fingers
She holds the door to the castle
where memories linger
She’s calling you to come closer
She’s whispering secrets,promises and adventures you start to believe her

Long ago you saw a movie
it was all about you
You tried changing the ending
you thought you could

When the world speaks your name
you do what you can
Its never the same from the medicine man

Boomerang trails bring you back
you thought you were long gone
you wander in circles
can’t leave and its all wrong

You’re hitting the hard time
you’re hitting the heavy
Right into the headwind
boy keep her steady

Its back to the boot
its back to the saddle
its back to the grindstone
you’re feeling shattered

When the world speaks your name
you do what you can
its never the same from the medicine man

Guest said

Great song-writing all through your album - but this is a standout for me. Excellent all round - and a wonderfully understated, effortless vocal.

tim mcfate's avatar
tim mcfate said

some good story telling. thanks for the comments and introducing me to m. ward. i know greg brown, in from iowa, but m. ward i didnt. i operate in a create vacum at times just to try and stay me. i enjoyed listenimng to m. ward and realize you gave me a big complement. thanks so much get those words up so we can follow along.....please (i said please!) tim

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