Tydal's listening history

Mike Grunert's avatar
What is a suicide chicken? Listen to this tale of shock and awe and find out! Tom Pecard on bass and bg vocals.
kavin.'s avatar
The theme for Improv Friday this week is "variations". So here's an improv reconstruction of the one classical piece I know, Bach's Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring.
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
slightly different mix for sinbad multitrackstudioforum who suggested a vocal boost and some creepy Vincent Price reverb(i may have given it too much of a boost though) sort of vaguely electroskank arrangement with some hints of klezmer &…
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
In space no-one can hear you scr... hello ? Hello ? Anyone there ?
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Angels ? Cant trust them, mate...
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
Frankenstein Sound Lab pays homage to the Shangri-Las. After a fashion.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
The welcome message that used to play whenever anyone visited the MySpace page we no longer have.
Frankenstein Sound Lab's avatar
...what then ?
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Away From Creation W/M by OsCKilO Pick me us up and set me down , In a box high off the ground. It is what I’m used to out of life. This is up and there is down. In between we carry on. Up and down the stairwells to the heights Look upon…
kirklynch's avatar
Another Live performance with former band mates in Scartaglen back in 1988 on the NPR show Mountain Stage. This time a piece of Gaelic mouth music followed by 3 reels. Maybe the most complex arrangement of a set of tunes that we ever did.