vaisvil's listening history

Sir James Dunn 2010's avatar
Rick Phillips's avatar
Since Norm found himself in an acoustically great room, full of unfinished cabinets I couldn't help but add some acoustic guitar, crank it up and hope you like it Norm!
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
this is a crazy POS I threw together for IMFF. That's improv }MF{ friday
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
i shut off the first a/c at aroun:15, the second at around :30. This is not a sample, this is a new england bird outside my home. Ithink it's amockingbird, and I can only hope it is copying me.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
i got nothin gains no faith, but there whole lotta sick false prophets.
c}{imps 8 my ears's avatar
probably the most disturbing set of three samples you've ever heard. remeniscent of Native American chants, if Native americans were all zombies, which is actually what neo americans are.
vaisvil's avatar
electric mandolin on 3 tracks - 2 bowed (right and left) with viola bow and 1 strummed just a bit and mostly ebowed (center) Washburn bass voice with effects drum loops sliced and diced
vaisvil's avatar
something I wrote for piano a long while ago I'm dusting off and trying to give it new life.
the spirit dies's avatar
a song written for someone - he is the monster in my thoughts...there is another version of this song which will be uploaded to myspace...
Lalo Oceja's avatar
piano improvisation