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Desecration of an Art Song


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Year: 2008


Artist’s description:
Many years ago a brave soul uploaded several recordings of his sister’s recital to a newsgroup I created for amateur musicians. I asked for, and he gave, permission to use the recordings. Well…. this is what happened to one of them which was formerly “O Divin Rédempteur”. I don’t expect anyone to like this. But whatever - consider it a remix Avant-garde style.

An anonymous young woman and pianist - plus a couple of digital effects here and there to enhance the sound a bit.


the spirit dies's avatar
the spirit dies said

great...bring on the desecration... thank you for the comment on my song...

Backyard Ghost's avatar
Backyard Ghost said

Love It!

Alister Flint's avatar
Alister Flint said

ahahah, this is good! is it desecration or desacralization, though? ;)

Guest said

What an amazing voice that lady has!! And the way she's able to keep up with the music is quite incredible. ;-) But seriously, very creepy, V., very creepy.

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

evocative,,, and a bit scary,, like something i would expect to hear in an end of the world movie.... well/creatively mixed

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