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Left Foot Forward (RPM 2011)

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my last one for the RPM… until next year

…mwa hahahahahahahhaha


this isn’t sad, it’s survival

i bet you think this is where the happy ending goes
the realization i’ve been living wrong
not exactly right, but we’ll go with it
to see what i’ve learned
you can’t walk without a plan
and i know now how my plan must go

// Walk with me
// left foot forward
// now march with me
// left foot forward
// i see
// how i must proceed

This will never be happy this will never be right
Justice exists for the cancer to usurp strength
I’ve been living wrong in my quest to give to everyone
i’ve been living wrong and it’s time to correct that
this isn’t sad, it’s survival
I’m just making my way to a better life


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Acid rock........... Cool!

Guest said

Whoa, I like this Vesti!

Guest said


Guest said

digging this
