VIVIAN CIRCLE 's listening history

glu's avatar
The song was constructed around a field recording of Lacandon men paddling across the lake in Métzabok, Chiapas (Southern Mexico). The Lacandon speak "Hach T'an," which is a Mayan dialect-- this is the language you hear in the track. Unfortunately…
dougsparling's avatar
Recorded August 28, 2009 Details: Martin D1 (DADFGC - capo II), Shure SM57, Audacity, Sound Forge. After digging this tune up really I really wanted to try it again on acoustic (which I don't play much). This is a second take recorded in…
kirklynch's avatar
Another one from back when I was tracking to actual tape. Was going to do a new version at some point, but decided I had lost interest. Sometimes there's no sense in recreating the past! Recorded probably the beginning of 2007
dougsparling's avatar
Recorded August 28, 2009 Details: Martin D1 (DADFGC - capo II), Shure SM57, Audacity, Sound Forge. After digging this tune up really I really wanted to try it again on acoustic (which I don't play much). This is a second take recorded in…
glu's avatar
guitars, synths, tabla, tambourine, and elephants (the lead melody at around 01:40)
Geoffrey Armes's avatar
From 'Anima 91'-- the whole disc is available for download gratis at with pdf notes/art
Geoffrey Armes's avatar
Title track from "Spirit Dwelling" 2005 -- a lot more acoustic work going on then. 8 track recording.
aplace's avatar
aplace's avatar
This is an altered version. Truby/Thomas
aplace's avatar