VIVIAN CIRCLE 's listening history

olifante's avatar
Copyright © 2009 Tiago Castro Henriques, some rights reserved
olifante's avatar
Copyright © 2009 Tiago Castro Henriques, some rights reserved
olifante's avatar
A very simple experiment with layered electric guitars and some laidback beats. Copyright © 2009 Tiago Castro Henriques, some rights reserved (
olifante's avatar
In Memoriam Sara Custódio, 1990-2008 Copyright © 2008 Tiago Castro Henriques, some rights reserved
Dhruv Bhate's avatar
Lyrics: I've got these dreams that take me higher I've got a soul that has a strange desire I want to get me a Maserati, drink all night and wake up at 3 There ain't nothing wrong with me, I'm just a victim, I'm just victim of Consumption…
flivelwitz's avatar
My first upload here; oooo! It's a little vocal piece I wrote to be sung during Lent. It's one of the so-called Penitential Psalms.
a.i's avatar
a place's avatar
Originally recorded for Vivian Circle, it never felt comfortable there. The uncomfortableness of PALLAS songs, made it fit. Square hole. Round peg. perfection. Oh, and this is officially the first PALLAS song.
glu's avatar
close your eyes and imagine a glu concert-- what does it look like? describe this fake show to me... what would you want to see? Oh, almost forgot. Many sounds, like these pretty cellos were found on freesound. I did manipulate the pitch on…
glu's avatar
I'm better at using my pots and pans for music than for food, so I post this tune in hunger. 3 pots, 1 pan, and a tabla. "i'm just a gangsta in the jungle" recorded in the amazon. It's actually a part of a monologue that I will likely never post…