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Only the Moonlight

Wayne Webster

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  Your secret’s safe at last, from the strangers that wander past
  Now only the moonlight, only the moonlight knows
  You kept it so very long---------  Safe from story and safe from song
  Now only the moonlight, only the moonlight knows

  You watched her dancing under the moonlight
  Flashing and glancing, a dagger that shone bright
  Sinking deep in you, a dagger no one can see

With that face as pale as the moon, she came singing those haunted tunes
That sounded right through you, right down where the nightshade blooms
 Someone you’ve never met---------  Someone you can’t forget
 They dance to her tune by the light of the silvery moon

 Yes, they dance with her in a circle of moonlight
 Entranced by her, a phantom delight
 And only the moonlight, only the moonlight knows

You bled on the broken ground, but your body will not be found
Only the moonlight, only the moonlight knows
The sunlight is just too bright-------  It burns all our dreams from sight 
 Only the moonlight, only the moonlight knows

You gave her your secrets, swore her your silence
All your regrets, and your anger and violence
Now only the moonlight, only the moonlight knows

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