Wayne Webster
Latest Music
It’s hard to explain away---- the stars in the sky
And it’s hard to explain away---- what happened to you and I
A slow entanglement---- of dreams and desire
And the world was born---- in a ball of fire, a ball of fire…
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hVBpbG-bSkEQvsTYzejE_TaLaP-p-pXp/view?usp=share_link
I’LL CARRY IT - Wayne Webster
Am I still unforgiven
Is it still a crime?
And do I have to carry the blame
To the end of time…
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qnTDmSQSuYMdj1bo1Fhse6TWrNWnkHec/view?usp=share_link
Pawn Shop Song
What'll you give me for this ring round my finger?
What'll you give me, sir?
I have been where memories linger…
Pat Bondi here at Alonetone does a great and quite different version of this folk song entitled Maiden on the Shore, so I dug into my demo archives and found this version that I recorded long ago. Long before the Internet, I used to listen…
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yR8w7sX7rvPSqqs944aWAo7O8HzMOlax/view?usp=share_link
Distant dreams you never get to
Distant dreams
Moonbeams that light the way
Along midnight streams
Recently Listened To
It’s hard to explain away---- the stars in the sky
And it’s hard to explain away---- what happened to you and I
A slow entanglement---- of dreams and desire
And the world was born---- in a ball of fire, a ball of fire…
An in-progress tune I started playing today on my new old harp. Sounds pretty good even just as it is; but I'm imagining it with some light percussion, a little violin, and maybe a guitar? We'll see how it goes.
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hVBpbG-bSkEQvsTYzejE_TaLaP-p-pXp/view?usp=share_link
I’LL CARRY IT - Wayne Webster
Am I still unforgiven
Is it still a crime?
And do I have to carry the blame
To the end of time…
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qnTDmSQSuYMdj1bo1Fhse6TWrNWnkHec/view?usp=share_link
Pawn Shop Song
What'll you give me for this ring round my finger?
What'll you give me, sir?
I have been where memories linger…
Most Popular
Pat Bondi here at Alonetone does a great and quite different version of this folk song entitled Maiden on the Shore, so I dug into my demo archives and found this version that I recorded long ago. Long before the Internet, I used to listen…
Chords, music and info about this song can be found for free at https://websterguitar.blogspot.com/2018/01/big-round-summer-moon.html
Big Round Summer Moon by Wayne Webster
I’d like to be under a big round summer moon
A big round…
A trip down memory lane to the first song I wrote and recorded. I had just got a neck brace for my harmonica which I wanted to include. This song established my one man band guitar style which is thumb picking bass strings, strumming with the…
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GtMRFIHZdkyH5IpSTnnUgndd-trgXD82/
Coming Down
1. You build a life up slowly, stick by stick
You make some time for yourselves…tick by tick
But the big winds…
Part 1 of a travelling trilogy. Played on electric guitar in Dropped D Tuning. On the Wetband site here at Alonetone I overdubbed some slide guitar and bass: https://alonetone.com/wetband/playlists/traveling-trilogy/traveling-on-by-woody-b…
Recent Favorites
An in-progress tune I started playing today on my new old harp. Sounds pretty good even just as it is; but I'm imagining it with some light percussion, a little violin, and maybe a guitar? We'll see how it goes.
I wanted to record a version of this lovely traditional East Coast Canada / USA tune. It's been done many times, in different ways, with variations on the lyrics. I've leaned on Solas's and Stan Rogers's versions, and added a verse of my own…
Song #5 for RPM 2023 - half way to the completion of the album! Wrote this after a very long late night walk of meditation.
And the rain came down
It wouldn’t stop
As we made our way to the mountain top
And the rain came down, the rain…
6th song for my RPM album. If you like slow and depressing music...this is for you! I had a blast using my new crash cymbal and brushes...my fingers are not very pleased about playing the bass riff however (ouch).
somehow you knew me
Another French folk song that I thought I’d have a go at recording today. It’s a lovely little tune about gathering around the table with friends. I learned this one from one of Marcel Bénéteau’s CDs.
Y a encore dessur la table une…
Latest Comments
Pat Bondi here at Alonetone does a great and quite different version of this folk song entitled Maiden on the Shore, so I dug into my demo archives and found this version that I recorded long ago. Long before the Internet, I used to listen…
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TuBLJs9E9OiQ2mtWUYCTXR4OIqDsSNDr/view?usp=share_link
Border Patrol
1. Everybody's running the border
Everybody's getting away
Whenever their dreams take them
Wayne Webster
You are welcome, Ricia Rae! Thanks for your comment. Always find this one a challenge to play and sing, but always worth the effort! And that is one of my all time favourite Byron quotes, for sure!
Chords available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TuBLJs9E9OiQ2mtWUYCTXR4OIqDsSNDr/view?usp=share_link
Border Patrol
1. Everybody's running the border
Everybody's getting away
Whenever their dreams take them
Ricia Rae
Those are great lyrics! Well done (I also appreciate that Byron quote)....thank you :)
A trip down memory lane to the first song I wrote and recorded. I had just got a neck brace for my harmonica which I wanted to include. This song established my one man band guitar style which is thumb picking bass strings, strumming with the…
Wayne Webster
Love harmonica too, Eternals! Must get back into using my neck brace to add some harmonica solos and breaks. A great way to add an instrument while still keeping to one live track.
A trip down memory lane to the first song I wrote and recorded. I had just got a neck brace for my harmonica which I wanted to include. This song established my one man band guitar style which is thumb picking bass strings, strumming with the…
Canadian Folksinger Songwriter. The challenge for me is to see what can be done in one live take without overdubbing.
I provide lyrics and chords, and document the guitar techniques I use on my website/blog below.
from Toronto, CA
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43 tracks