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Live at The Eagle's Club Taylorville IL
Sea of dust is where I spend my time
On a ship that sailed by powers of the mind
Neath the light of the crimson sun
Up and down the coast of the Forked Tongue
Stories and tales they echo…
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The Brood have gone visiting and i have sometime so i've been busy as you may have noticed ....so heres a ad-libber with the £16 special....i always write miserable songs when i'm happy the happy ones come when i'm depressed....i'm normally quite…
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Live at The Eagle's Club Taylorville IL
Sea of dust is where I spend my time
On a ship that sailed by powers of the mind
Neath the light of the crimson sun
Up and down the coast of the Forked Tongue
Stories and tales they echo…
Aaron, Elvis, and Phil, most commonly known as Witchweed, are a group of musicians that grow in Central Illinois. Witchweed is characterized by slow, massive riffs and large amounts of feedback thus having roots in Sludge. The genre is classified in the family of Stoner, although older classifications place it in the Doom. Although most songs of Witchweed are not short to radio standards, some would have devastating effects upon radio, particularly those run by losers. Public areas most commonly affected are bars and house parties.
from Taylorville,IL, United States
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